Monday, August 9, 2010

Digital Story. All done!

All my assignments are finished. Huzzah! This last one was really difficult for me. I had so much trouble with Windows Movie Maker. It is very clunky, nothing like a Mac, as I did give a spin on the Macs at the library. But here, we are, the finished product. It's a bit grainy in spots, but I don't really know why. It was fun to make actually; its kind of a fun story and would be a fun thing to entertain a five-year old.

Earlier today, I was complaining about my health insurance and fortunately that is all figured out. Obviously there was no easing back into "life" as I call it for me. I will say that one thing that always dawns on me after I leave the States and come back is that I've changed. Not ostentatiously or anything (well I did get some awesome new shoes from Office, but that's not what I mean), but enough so that I notice a difference in how I approach my daily life. The little things still bug me, that's never going to change, but as I travel the ways I handle them changes. Once I leave my nice little home in the midwest and set out anywhere outside of my culture, that's pretty much waving bye bye to comfort and hello to adjustment. When I come back, I bring a bit of adjustment back into my daily life. Like today, instead of being super-embarrassed that I set off the fire alarm by walking through the fire doors (no worries, no firemen showed up. it was minor), I simply went to the Circ desk apologized and explained. No harm down, as I knew it would be... and then I went and made copies. A few years ago, I would've totally been freaking out. But this is why I love to travel actually. Every time I leave and go somewhere new, things change even though it may be in the tiniest way.
So I'm missing London alot, mostly because it was a nice reprieve from my "real" life, but its time to come back and all in all, I'm happy to back. But I'd be happy to be there too.
Cheers. :D

Photo Book: European Adventures

Photobook up! I'm pretty happy with it. I used Picasa which wasn't too difficult. I used picture pile on a few of the collages which is very creative for me. Woo hoo!
I'm officially back in Madison and off to work this afternoon. Though currently I'm sitting on the phone to my health insurance company. Super fun. I love REAL LIFE.
Putting together the Photobook was a nice way to remind myself, that yes, it was real. I was just in England as of four days. And now I'm going to work. It's a bit of a 180 but I'm dealing with it. Reverse cultural shock always does me because it sneaks up on me. Ah well, I don't really have time to be time-spatial confused.
Also, this year is Mexico's Bicentennial of their independence, if you didn't get a chance to see the "Viva La Libertad!" exhibit at the British Library. I'm mentioning this because lots of places are going to be having exhibits and events surrounding the Bicentennial. In 1810, Mexico and many other Latin American countries started their quest for independence from the Spanish. HEre is Exploradno Mexico's article as well as the Bicentennial website for Meixco. I mention this because I'm helping my boss prepare for an exhibit on this now that I'm back. Its going to be really fun. I can't wait!
Back to holding... I'm pretty sure I'm on my third repetition of "Hotel California."
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