I really liked visiting the Thames and it was really windy today, but it was really nice to see the waves. Since a lot of fun places in London are on the Thames, I'm pretty happy that I managed to get there and back two different ways. I feel really comfortable traveling in at least part of London now. It was a real adventure to make our way back because we decided to take Charring Cross instead of going back the way we came, via Convent Garden. While we never lost, we did get a bit turned around and ended up passing our chosen road. But we did get to see the National Gallery, Trafalgar Square and the edge of Piccadilly Circus (one of my favorite detectives has an office on Piccadilly).
But the best thing about London, so far, is the beer. I'm traveling London by pub! Kind of the way some people travel by food, I plan on trying lots of different beer. Last night I had a larger and tonight I had a pint of London Pride. I'm pretty sure it was an amber ale, but don't quote me on that. It was very very good. Not too bitter and just the right amount of flavor.
p.s. We have hot water. YES!