Sunday, July 11, 2010

Here's Hoping

Packing for this trip was a bit complicated for me. This mostly had to do with the fact that I was trying to pack up my clothes that will be moved when I get back at and pack for London. When I return to Madison in August, I plan on living on my London clothes for the rest of that week so it became process of weeding. Can I use this shirt/pants/shoes now and in a month? Yes or no?

Once I got through deciding what I needed for London, then I slowly made my way through laundry (complete with a broken dryer, extra 1.25 which I didn't have, and spilling laundry detergent all over my apt floor) and packing up the rest of clothes. I did find out that socks and clean work out clothes make great packing padding. When I left this morning, my apartment had basically been decimated to about 8 to 10 boxes.

I'm pretty happy with my choices. I've probably brought too many clothes but everything fits into one small rolling suitcase, so I couldn't have gone too far overboard. I have to do a bit of rearranging before I leave, but the whole I feel like I'll be prepared. There's only one major problem with checking a bag and that's the possibility that the airline will lose it. I am flying from one major airport to another but this is US travel so some type of mix-up is almost certainly inevitable. So on top of deciding what goes in the check-in, I tried to chose of a couple of things to go in my carry-on. This consists of a couple of t-shirts and essentials and lots of hope that small rectangular black rolly bag will come around the conveyor belt in four days time.


  1. wow ... one small suitcase? wish i were able to do the same.

  2. maybe not so small anymore. :)
