Monday, July 12, 2010

3 in 5

It's only a quarter to midnight here in IL so technically its July 12th and technically I am not late. I hope this late night posting will not become my habit but I have a sneaking suspicion it might. I seem to be running that way at the moment.

I am almost ready to leave and feeling pretty good about it. I think I'll be nervous Wednesday, but for now, I have too much to think about to be very nervy. The heaviest thing way on my mind at the moment is an HTML class I am taking online. Now I knew when I signed up that it would be ending while I was abroad. I didn't think it was going to be too much of a problem; we're done with most of our coding at this point. However, my teacher posted the next three weeks of content online already: five labs, a project, three quizzes and a final. My goal is to get them all done before I leave on Wednesday since I don't have to work about; basically three weeks of information in five days. It's possible I have lost a few of my marbles but I figured why not give it a try.

I'm actually doing pretty well. I read an entire textbook last Thursday/Friday. I did all five labs on Friday night. I did a quiz yesterday, two today and I'll take the final tomorrow. The project is turning out to be a bit more time-consuming that I thought but if I get everything else done, I can work on that somewhat leisurely.

It's a bit of a stressful way to prepare to leave and its not obligatory but it actually makes me feel more prepared. It means I can now concentrate on London: having a great time, seeing some wonderful places, drinking awesome beer, posting on this blog on time (hopefully), etc. The bit of stress will pay off on Wed when I get on the plane.

Speaking of London, Ellie is extremely excited as well. The Door County travels last weekend seemed to put her right in the mood.
See how she dreams of beautiful places?

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