Monday, July 26, 2010

Hampton Court

Hampton Court is famous because of Henry VII, the tudor who killed half of his wives and father to Queen Elizabeth I. But Hampton Court was also home to William III and Mary II during the late 1600s. William III from the Netherlands married Mary II and was generally looked upon as an intruder and foreigner. They did rule together, as the security guard (warder?) was most insistent to explain to me. Unfortunately, Kaitlin and I did not make it to the gardens but I enjoyed walking around the house even though I'm not a fan of baroque architecture -- Sorry Sir Christopher Wren. It did help make the history much clearer, particularly the political concern about a woman succeeding Henry because he only had one son who was very sickly. Of course, we all know that Elizabeth I eventually came to power and was very much loved and important monarch, but she was the last of a line that had fought a bloody battle to gain power. The explanation of the history and culture of the respected time period. I have a fuzzy understanding of British royal history so their explanations were clarifying. I really wanted a bigger picture though, like where the Tudors fit into the whole scheme and why William and Mary chose Hampton Court.

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